Words that don’t sound the same
In English it is easy to find words with different spellings that sound exactly the same, like son and sun or no and know . On the other hand, some words are pronounced differently although they share the same spelling. This is not so frequent, but it can be a bit more puzzling. Bow sounds /b əʊ / when you use it to play the violin, or when you shoot an arrow with it. Just like the bow in rainbow . If you bend your head as a sign of respect, however, you bow – but it sounds /ba ʊ /. Another example is the verb read , pronounced /ri:d/ in the infinitive and in the simple present, but /red/ in the simple past and in the past partic iple. The more English you know, the easier it becomes to predict pronunciation when you see a new word written. But spelling doesn’t always help, so I prefer to trust a good dictionary instead.